
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

What "Practical" Skills do Entrepreneurs Use?

Today in Business Studies we learnt about Entrepreneurs. We were then showed some famous entrepreneurs and their quotes, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and Robert Frost all made quotes to inspire others. Next, we had to find an inspirational quote that we liked.

"Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter; long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best." - Micheal Johnson

We had been given another activity about Entrepreneurs. We learned about "Practical" skills are very crucial for entrepreneurs.

Workshop 5 :Creating Characters

Workshop 5 : Creating the illusion of the Other Mother

1. Physical - soft/round edges
                  - looks like real mum
                  - normal height

Costume - basic - no patterns
               - baggy loose clothing
               - mostly covers body

Colour/Lighting - warm, artificial light, dull
                           - colour palette - orange

2. Physical - sharper edges - head/nose/apron

Costume - patterns on outfit
               - blacks/reds
               - loose/baggy gives idea of softness

Colour/Lighting - warm, artificial, orange/yellow

3. Physical - paler skin
                  - weight shift to hips/bum - accends beetle
                  - Pointy nose, back of head, elbows, skinnier

Costume - Pattern - polka dots, black, white, red
               - fits her figure better
               - beetle shell-like layers
               - shows more skin

Colour/Lighting - bright, vibrant, cold, artificial
                          - browns/peaches

4. Physical - stick figure - lost all the fat
                  - taller, long, neck, hair, back of head, arms, elbows,
                    back of dress

Costume - Pattern - black,white,red
               - shows more skin
               - a lot tighter
               - beetle shape on the back and collar

Colour/Lighting - bright, warm, artificial, oranges

5. Physical - ugly, spider-like, needles, no fat, no skin
                  - lots of sharp angles - head, joints
                  - taller

Costume - tattered rags, barely there

Colour/Lighting - green & black, cold light, unnatural,

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Workshop 4:How does Music enhance the story?


Diegetic Sound - sounds added to a scene  eg music

Non - dietetic Sound - sounds that happen naturally in a scene eg footsteps, wind blowing leaves

Chords - Major - written in a major key, has a happy uplifting tone
               Minor - written in a minor key, has a sad, gloomy, morose tone

Tempo - fast - could walk quickly to, makes music feel energetic, gives movement
Speed        moderate - mix of two
              slow - dragging feet pace, makes music feel lethargic, boring, energy lacking, sleepy

Dynamic - Loud(forte) - gets viewer attention, enhances emotions/mood - makes happy happier etc
volume          Quiet(piano) - either background noise or used to make viewer focus
                  Changing - quiet-loud - builds intensity
                                     loud-quiet - draws focus

Mr Taylor
How I feel about song 1:Happy, Calm, Uplifting
How I feel about song 2:Depressing, Lonely, Gloomy


      Opening Scene

Chords - minor - has a sad vibe, feels creepy, unsettling

Tempo - Moderate - feel on edge, walking pace, gives energy

Dynamics- Changing - starts quiet, gets louder, grabs our attention, builds emotion & intensity

Mouse Circus

Chords - minor - is very upbeat and energetic but minor tone makes it feel off/uncomfortable

Tempo - fast - gives us upbeat, want to move energy, makes the circus feel fun & lively

Dynamics - loud - makes viewer feel hyped up, energetic, invited to join in

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Summary on Sustainability

What I have learnt in Sustainability Hurumanu is all relating to Earth, all living species and etc. We mostly studied the problems that have been happening currently during our survival, including the effects that have impacted on all species. We watched a few videos of COVID-19 and the overpopulation, we also studied how this happened and how to fight and limit it.

We also studied how to prevent this from spreading and decreasing the risk of being infected by this virus. Later on, we investigated on our planet resources and we should maintain and protect them, we learned about renewable resources to prevent us from damaging the Earth itself and that we don't run out of that specific product, for example, wood. We then learned more about mathematics and data and the meaning of statistics.

My reflection on my learning in Sustainability Hurumanu is that the activities we do mostly interest me because it gives us an example of Sustainability and how we collect data which include mathematics. We did Mathletics to learn the areas of the shapes and etc and how to actually solve them. There is nothing I would want to change for this Hurumanu and I enjoyed this experience.