
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Budgeting Crossword - Business Studies

Last week for Business Studies, we've been learning about Budgeting and what it means. After learning a few basics about budgeting, we had to complete a job which covered words like Budget, Surplus, Deficit, Spend, Savings, Wants, Needs, Income, Finance, Price, Fees and Necessity.

There were two tasks to choose from, create a budgeting crossword and make a Budgeting Language dictionary. I chose to create a budgeting crossword where the evidence is above the definitions & explanation of the budgeting words.


In my opinion, I did a decent job in making the crossword, the crossword can teach people new words and new facts and information about budgeting and the definition of the words themselves. While making this crossword I learnt a few new words myself and a definition of them and I get a clear idea on what the word actually define and the process of budgeting.



When you hear about Budgeting, how would you define it in your own words or sentences?

Monday, October 19, 2020

Mixing & Dissolving - Hurumanu 3

Welcome back to another post, today we started on a new topic for Science, Hurumanu 3. We are now focusing on Mixing and Separating, instead of learning about the Separating bit we are learning Mixing and Dissolving for this week. We did learning behind this topic and afterwards did an experiment where we looked at sugar dissolving at opposed temperatures.

So we first learnt about what mixing, dissolving and soluble are and what they mean.

  1. What is Mixing/Mixture? - A substance made by combining two other or more substances together.
Examples of a Mixture:
  • Water
  • Coke
  • Sand
  • Cake
  • Salad
What is Dissolving? - Dissolving is when a substance becomes part of a liquid, also you can speed up the process of dissolving by stirring it or change the temperature.

Can Everything Dissolve? - No, Soluble meaning a substance that can dissolve in water and Insoluble meaning a substance which can not dissolve in water.

Examples of Soluble:
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Food colouring/Dye
  • Vinegar
  • Coffee
Examples of Insoluble:
  • Oil
  • Rock
  • Plastic
  • Glass
  • Wood
Now to the part where we did the experiment, we had to examine how fast can sugar dissolve and either different temperatures and how fast it dissolves either we mix the substances together or not. So this counts up to 4 experiments we had to analyse. It wasn't that hard to examine it because we had time everything and it was a short and easy experiment. 

Hypothesis: I think that the sugar will dissolve faster in hot water + stirring because the water temperature is so hot it has a lot of energy in it.

So the first step we took to start the experiments were the requirements of certain equipment, we used 1 large beaker and 1 small beaker. We then put some sugar into the small beaker and put 50ml of water into the large beaker, like I said before we had 4 experiments to analyse, we were also given a metal spatula and took a small amount of sugar in each of those 4 experiments. Just to clear this out when I said 4 experiments I meant that we had to do this 4 times and the sugar was needed in all those 4 tasks. In closing we had to time of how long it will take for the sugar to dissolve, all of the data was then written on the board.

These were the 4 task we did:
1. 50ml cold water + 1 Spatula Sugar = mixed/stirred
2. 50ml hot water + 1 Spatula Sugar = mixed/stirred
3. 50ml hot water + 1 Spatula Sugar = un-mixed/not stirred
4. 50ml cold water + 1 Spatula Sugar = un-mixed/not stirred

After bringing in the results and finishing all the 4 tasks, we had to add all of our time together with the rest of the classes time and then divide that number with how many times people wrote their results on the board to make the standard time.

Here are the final Results:
1. cold water + sugar / stirred = Total: 490 secs - Standard: 70 secs
2. hot water + sugar / stirred = Total: 213 secs - Standard: 27 secs
3. hot water + sugar / not stirred = Total: 590 secs - Standard: 78 secs
4. cold water + sugar / not stirred = Total: 622 secs - Standard: 124.4 secs

In conclusion the hot water + stirred with sugar is the fastest to dissolve, just like I said before as my hypothesis the hot temperature of the water has more energy in it compared to the cold water which has less energy to give out.